5 februarie 2014

Caleb Charland’s Photographs Of Electricity Made Out Of Fruit

Caleb Charland newest photography project features mesmerizing light displays using mostly fruit, a nail, copper wire, and the long exposure technique. These organic batteries produce enough of a current for Charland to capture the light’s illumination in these long exposure photographs.
“My current body of work, Back to Light, expands upon a classic grade school science project, the potato battery. By inserting a galvanized nail into one side of a potato and a copper wire in the other side a small electrical current is generated. The utter simplicity of this electrical phenomenon is endlessly fascinating for me. Many people have had the experience of drawing power from fruit in the classroom, and it never ceases to bring a smile to the face or a thought to the mind. This work speaks to a common curiosity we all have for how the world works as well as a global concern for the future of earth’s energy sources…my hope is that these photographs function as micro utopias by suggesting and illustrating the endless possibilities of alternative and sustainable energy production. The cycle that begins with the light of our closest star implanting organic materials with nutrients and energy, is re-routed in these images, Back to Light, illuminating earth once again.” (via this isn’t happiness)
charlandlight8charlandlight16charlandlight3charlandlight12charlandlight2charlandlightcharlandlight15charlandlight14charlandlight13charlandlight11charlandlight10charlandlight9charlandlight7charlandlight5charlandlight4Caleb Charland’s Photographs Of Electricity Made Out Of Fruit appeared first on Beautiful/Decay Artist & Design.


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