5 iulie 2013

How to Make a Solar Still and Get Free ‘Gas!’

Why the Government Won’t Allow the Energy Crunch to Be Fixed!

There actually is no energy shortage. There is a contrived energy shortage. Let me explain.
The universe has energy from the sun. One could build engines running on hydrogen, which is just about free once you distill water. Or, as I am about to outline…alcohol.
solar still
Is moonshine the ‘black gold’ of the future?

Yep, alcohol burns, and if you happen to know a high school science teacher, he could probably tell you how to make alcohol for yourself, and real durned cheap. As in free.
Or, you could just read a couple more paragraphs and figure it out yourself.
First, you cut the lawn. That’s right, you push that old mower around and trim them little stubblies, and you get a basketful of leavings.
Now, take those cuttings and pour them in the hopper of…your solar still!
That’s right. A solar still. And you could probably get the instructions for making one on the internet.
Basically, you make a solar oven, which is a box with mirrors and a glass top to trap the heat.
The heat builds and the grass cuttings start to…sweat. There’s more scientific words, but the point is this, a still creates heat which makes ‘steam’ out of material. Corn if you’re making whiskey, potatoes if you’re making vodka, and so on).
The steam goes up a tube and condenses, and alcohol drips out of the steam.
Pretty easy, eh?
Then you adapt your car, (you need a good refrig system to keep it cool so it doesn’t explode on the way to the motor) put alcohol in the tank, and drive away.
Now, a couple of problems with this.
First, the government has the ATF department (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) to make sure nobody makes alcohol. Lord knows they don’t want anybody drinking that stuff you can buy at the store. And lord knows they don’t want anybody to figure out how to make alcohol and replace the tremendous profits in oil and gas.
Do you see?
Taxes, baby.
And, that said, if you do what I have told you here you will get arrested, tried, and hung by the feet until your common sense is upside down.
Simply, they will run you through the wringer, charge you fines and penalties and tax you on the way to the hoosegow.
Remember, you’re threatening their profits.
So, do not make a solar still or adapt your car.
And I never told you how.
And I DID NOT encourage you to break the law.
If you want to talk to your congressman, however, I sure would recommend that.
Have a great energy cheap day!


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