5 iulie 2013

Homemade Insect Repellent

 few days ago, while watering the garden, I noticed something had been nibbling on my basil and cabbage. The cabbage had a bunch of little green cabbage worms on the underside of the leaves, which I promptly disposed of (you’re welcome chickens!) The basil on the other hand had no visible culprits, but since I have my slug problem under control for the moment, I am guessing it is a six-legged invader. Time to make some bug spray!
All you need for this insect repellent is garlic and onion skins, peels and ends, cayenne pepper, a jar, and an empty spray bottle, oh, and water. I have been saving onion peels for a few weeks in a jar in the refrigerator to make this bug spray and those chewed up leaves reminded me it was time to get it started. It’s so easy to make and great for organic gardens. It will deter thrips, aphids, grasshoppers, and other chewing insects. As an aside, if you have a bad cabbage worm problem, a salt water spray will do the trick.
1. Collect your onion and garlic peels in a jar in the fridge until it is full and wait til you have a forecast of at least two to three days of sun in a row.
2. Fill the jar with enough water that all the peels are submerged, add a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and screw on the lid. Leave the jar in a sunny spot for at least 48 hours and up to a week.
3. Strain the liquid into an empty spray bottle.
4. Spray 1-2 times per week on the leaves of affected plants and also as a deterrent on healthy ones.
Be sure not to stand downwind from the spray (especially if you just showered and smell all clean and fresh!) and wash your hands before you touch your eyes. Hopefully this works, but if you are still having trouble you can add a tablespoon of dish soap as well. The dish soap will also affect a lot of “helper bug” as well, so only use it as a last resort. Good luck!

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