7 martie 2015

Beautiful 3D Lighting Sculptures Made From Engraved Acrylic Slides and Illuminated by LED Lights

Beautiful 3D Lighting Sculptures Made From Engraved Acrylic Slides and Illuminated by LED Lights
Vancouver-based Blue Pine Studio has created wonderful 3D-illusion light sculptures made from engraved acrylic slides and illuminated by LED lights. The sculptures come in an array various eye-catching designs that use 16 different colors and 4 different lighting modes, which can be controlled with an included remote.
Crystal-Ball Base-and-Control Octupus Buckeye-butterfly Monarch-Butterfly Lepeidos
The lighting part is made of clear acrylic, known for its excellent light transmission properties. Where the acrylic piece is engraved light shines through. The approximate overall dimensions of the lighting piece are 150x160mm (exact dimensions depend on the selected design). The lighting base is made of two parts: the lower part is made of solid pine and the upper part is made of plywood. Both parts are machined with CNC milling machine then sanded and finally coated with a clear coating. All the works involved in this project including design of 3D forms, engraving of the acrylic piece, machining of the lamp base, sanding, coating, and assembly are done by Blue Pine Studio in North Vancouver.
The project was successfully funded through Kickstarter in September 2014 and now three of the most popular designs, “Crystal Ball,” “Buckeye Butterfly,” and “Octopus,” are currently available in the Laughing Squid Store for a limited time.
images via Blue Pine Studios

25 februarie 2015

Doi români au ajuns în finala Sony World Photography Awards, cea mai mare competiţie de fotografie din lume

Doi români au ajuns în finala Sony World Photography Awards, cea mai mare competiţie de fotografie din lume
  • Lucrările finaliştilor Cosmin Bumbuț și Daniel Necula vor fi expuse la Somerset House din Londra, în perioada 24 aprilie – 10 mai
  • Fotografiile lor au fost alese dintr-un număr record de înscrieri: 444 de înscrişi din 171 de ţări
Printre finaliştii Sony World Photography Awards, cea mai mare competiţie de fotografie din lume, se numără anul acesta şi doi fotografi români:
  • Cosmin Bumbuţ prin colecţia Arhitectură în categoria pentru profesionişti, o serie de imagini copleşitoare realizate în celulele a 35 de închisori din România
  • Daniel Necula cu fotografia Enhanced în categoria Open, o fotografie alb negru îndrăzneaţă, despre o femeie pe o bicicletă, cu un detaliu inedit
Ediţia de anul acesta a adunat cel mai mare număr de concurenţi din istoria de opt ani a prestigiosului eveniment. Finaliştii au fost aleşi dintr-un număr record de 173.444 de înscrişi proveniţi din 171 de ţări, o creştere de 24% în comparaţie cu numărul de participanţi de anul trecut.
Fotografii înscrişi în categoria Open au fost jurizaţi pe baza unei singure fotografii, în timp ce competitorii din categoria destinată profesioniştilor au concurat cu un portofoliu de fotografii.
Premiile competiției constau în sume de bani şi în echipamente de fotografie digitală Sony. Cei 10 câştigători din categoria Open vor fi anunţaţi pe 31 martie, iar cei 13 căştigători din categoria dedicată profesioniştilor vor fi anunţaţi pe 23 aprilie în cadrul unei festivităţi de premiere la Londra.
În cadrul aceleiaşi ceremonii, va fi decernat şi premiul L’Iris d’Or pentru Cel mai bun fotograf profesionist al anului, care, pe lângă titlu, va câştiga şi premiul cel mare de 25.000 de dolari.  Alături de el vor fi anunţaţi şi câştigătorii categoriei destinate profesioniştilor, a categoriei pentru tineri şi studenţi, respectiv căştigătorul titlului de Fotograful anului din categoria Open, care va fi răsplătit cu 5.000 de dolari.
Fotografiile realizate de cei doi finalişti români vor fi expuse în cadrul expoziţiei 2015 Sony World Photography Awards Exhibition, găzduită de Somerset House din Londra, în perioada  aprilie – 10 mai.
Concursul Sony World Photography Awards premiază cei mai buni fotografi contemporani ai anului trecut. Fiind adresat tuturor pasionaţilor de fotografie, competiţia include cinci categorii diferite: unul adresat profesioniştilor (Professional), unul deschis tuturor pasionaţilor de fotografie (Open), unul pentru tineret (Youth), unul pentru studenţi (Students) şi unul pentru fotografiile realizate cu telefonul mobil (Mobile Phone). Mai multe informaţii despre eveniment se găsesc la adresa www.worldphoto.org
Camera Intima
Uniunea Europeană a adus, în 2007, dreptul deținuților de a primi vizite private. Asta înseamnă că un deținut care este căsătorit sau are o relație poate primi, o dată la trei luni, o vizita de două ore într-o cameră separată din incinta închisorii. În plus, dacă un deținut se căsătorește în înschisoare, poate petrece 48 de ore în camera separată cu soțul sau soția și are dreptul la o vizită pe lună în primul an de căsătorie. Am început proiectul în 2008 și acum am fotografiat toate camerele intime din toate penitenciarele din România (35 de penitenciare).
Copyright: ©Cosmin Bumbuț, Romania, SHORTLIST, Architecture, Professional, 2015 Sony World Photography Awards
Astrid Merget Motsenigos, Directorul Creativ al World Photography Organisation, organizatoarea concursului, a declarat despre finaliştii ediţiei din acest an:
“Cel mai important scop al Sony World Photography Awards este să serbeze şi să arate aprecierea pentru artiştii talentaţi care lucrează în domeniul industrei fotografice. Şi anul acesta, selecţia de finalişti demonstrează diversitatea şi priceperea nu doar a fotografilor deja binecunoscuţi, dar şi a numărului din ce în ce mai mare de pasionaţi, pentru care aceste premii reprezintă o oportunitate de a ieşi în evidenţă.”
“Alegerea finaliştilor din numărul record de înscrieri a reprezentat o sarcină care i-a pus la încercare pe membrii juriului nostru de specialitate, dar suntem foarte mândri să vă prezentăm o selecţie care include unele dintre cele mai bune fotografii din lume.”
Daniel-Necula_Romania_Shortlist_Open_Enhanced_2015Wrong Way, Copyright: ©Daniel Necula, Romania, Shortlist, Enhanced Open, 2015 Sony World Photography Awards

Sursa: http://www.modernism.ro/2015/02/24/doi-romani-au-ajuns-in-finala-sony-world-photography-awards-cea-mai-mare-competitie-de-fotografie-din-lume/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+modernismro+%28Modernism%29

11 martie 2014

Bruce Munro’s Creates Massive Outdoor Installations With Millions Of Compact Discs

British artist Bruce Munro is perhaps best known for his creation of large-scale installations that offer a great amount of experiential weight to viewers. Choosing materials which reflect, and shine light, a metaphor for the artist’s interests in literature, music and science. Often made of humble materials, Munro has often come back to the use of compact discs, a decision that the artist explains, “Initially I used discarded materials to save on costs. Soon material choices also became the subject matter of the installations,” he says of Light. “For me, there has to be a reason—however idiosyncratic—for everything I do and these days I am drawn more and more to the idea of creating an experience that is gentle on the landscape.”
Various projects of Munro’s use repurposed and recycled compact discs in massive quantities, covering hills, estate lawns and fields. In works such as CDSea, enormous fields of the collected discs have a natural element, in this case a meandering path carved through them. The path, which echoes landscape architecture and fung shui design, allows viewers to experience not only vistas of the shimmering surfaces, but also the now-highlighted beauty of the existing grass itself. Speaking of the installation and its process, Munro says “You never know how something will work out, but now I could not be happier. I’m so grateful to everyone who turned out to help. We had a magical weekend and CDSea looks amazing, like a giant painting on the grass“ (via hi-fructosedesignboominhabitant)
2059076782dzn_CD-Sea-by-Bruce-MunroCDSea-by-Bruce-Munro-yatzer_1bruce_munro_hero2munro01munro06tumblr_n15efr7Far1rlaql2o5_1280tumblr_mbpfsf38sN1qdhfhho1_1280munro03munro07munro08tumblr_n15efr7Far1rlaql2o3_1280Bruce-Munros-Waterlilies-537x357Bruce Munro’s Creates Massive Outdoor Installations With Millions Of Compact Discs appeared first on Beautiful/Decay Artist & Design.


Gowri Savoor’s Compelling Sculptures Created Out Of Seeds

Although Gowri Savoor experiments with dozens of different mediums, ranging from drawing and painting to mixed media sculptures made from fabrics, woods, her Seedscapes series might be the most immediately powerful. Taking various plant and fruit seeds which are pinned against boards like butterflies, in more geometrically-challenging patterns and formations, the sculptures resemble other natural forms, such as waves, sound-waves and snow or sand dunes.
The Leicester, England-born artist currently lives and works in Vermont, USA, where she gathers the various seeds used as materials in her metaphorically ephemeral works (including pumpkin, apple and sunflower). Says Savoor of her loaded-material choice, “In themselves they’re very fragile. No matter what I do, the pieces will continue to decay. There’s a human sadness as well, that everything will eventually die.” (via junk-culture)
blackbirdsunarmy1orchard1orchard2blackbird2pinecone_seedscape1seedbankseedbank2sunarmy2Gowri Savoor’s Compelling Sculptures Created Out Of Seeds appeared first on Beautiful/Decay Artist & Design.


Bruce Catalano’s Figurative Sculptures That Vanish In Space

For his “Travelers” series, French artist Bruno Catalano sculpts human figures that contain missing pieces. Many of his bronze sculptures are missing a good portion of their torsos, asking the viewer to visually complete the sculptures using the space that surrounds them. The effect of his work varies with the location – a viewer could fill in the figures’ gaps with a variety of images the depend on the sculptures’ surrounding space, from the gallery to the park. Catalano creates an optical illusion, confronting the viewer with an image of impossibility that turns into intrigue. As a former sailor, Catalano has always been interested in the figure of the traveler. He says,
catalanosculpture5catalanosculpture4catalanosculpture13catalanosculpturecatalanosculpture6catalanosculpture11catalanosculpture3catalanosculpture2catalanosculpture12catalanosculpture10catalanosculpture9catalanosculpture8catalanosculpture7“I have travelled a lot and I left Morocco when I was 12 years old. I felt that a part of me was gone and will never come back. From years of being a sailor, I was always leaving different countries and places each time and it’s a process that we all go through. I feel like this occurs several times during life and of course everyone has missing pieces in his or her life that he wont find again. So the meaning can be different for everyone, but to me the sculptures represent a world citizen.”
Ten of Catalano’s sculptures can be found at the Port of Marseilles. (via the daily mail)

25 februarie 2014

Fra.Biancoshock Insists His Street Interventions Are Not ‘Street Art’

Fra.Biancoshock insists he is not a street artist, but rather the Milan-based experientialist noticed that his street-level installations and interventions spoke using the same language as Street Art. In regards to the movement of Street Art in regards to his work, the mysterious, identity-protecting Fra. says, “For me, that phrase is a provocation: I have not studied art, I do not frequent artistic circles, or amicidell’amicodelcuginodelfratellodelsuoamico … And I have no particular technical and artistic skills. I just have ideas and I like to strain my mind in trying to propose to the common people through what I call “Unconventional Experiences.” I think mine are “experiences” rather than works of art.”
With ties and intentions closer to Performance and Conceptual Art (for those paying off MFA degrees, think Guy Debord), the man who would become Fra.Biancoshock developed the performative avant-garde school of art he calls Effimerismo (“The Effimerismo is a movement that has the aim of producing works of art that exists in a limited way in the space, but that they persist in an infinite way in time…”) as a means of exploring and categorizing his specific means of street engagement (or as he is known to call them, “speeches”).
Operating in this very-intentionally public mode of communication, Fra.Biancoshock uses the streets as a forum, installing temporary interventions to call attention to themes of poverty, urban blight, modern stress and decay. Present in most works is how Fra deals with serious themes with a disarmingly light-hearted approach. His work has mostly been viewed (often quite temporarily) in Europe, though as Fra. says in his Manifesto-like statement, “Prior to founding the movement, [Fra.biancoshock] has made ​​more than 400 speeches on the streets of Italy , Spain , Portugal, Croatia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Malaysia and the State of Singapore, and has no intention of stopping.” (via hi-fructose)
12733236925_1b0da4db0f_ostress-412733716164_481e050d3f_o12733410113_c78ff040f9_o12733715804_2d84d5861b_o12733715634_f22ae00242_oFra-Biancoshock-2612733236505_b774548b07_o12733409883_2c0b024d3d_o12733236875_b38456421e_o1street-nessy-575x38212733410203_5ce5d76a1a_o12733715554_a54f28460a_oFra.Biancoshock Insists His Street Interventions Are Not ‘Street Art’ appeared first on Beautiful/Decay Artist & Design.


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